How To Know Your Skin Type

Good ingredients for certain skin type can actually be unsuitable for you. So, today I'll share about How To Know Your Skin Type.

TEST 1 : Test for Oily, Dry, Normal Skin Types
Checklist : Check the list and score how many applies to you.
  • After cleansing, even if you don't put anything on, it doesn't feel tight.
  • If you wipe your face with an oil paper, you can see oil on it.
  • You use oil paper at least 3 times a day. 
  • When you don't have any makeup on, you can see your own pores.
  • Your makeup doesn't last a long time, so you have to retouch every two hours.
  • Your T-zone is always shiny. 
  • If tou use moisturizing cream or pack, you breakout more.
  • If you have a lot of black and white heads around your nose.
  • Even if you wash your hair daily, your head itches and you have dandruff. 
  • Rather than wrinkles or dead skin, you can see oiliness on your skin first. 
  • If you don't wash your hair even for a day, it gets oily.
So, what is your total score? If you have these score :
1 - 4 : Dry Skin
5 - 8 : Normal Skin
9 - 11 : Oily Skin

Then, if you have dry or oily skin type, you tend to have combunation or sensitive skin.
So, we will proceed to next test. 

TEST 2 : Test for Combination and Sensitive Skin Types
For this skin types, I reccomend to use oil paper test. After cleansing, wait for an hour without putting any products on your face. With the oil paper, check the amount of oil on your forehead, chin, cheeks and nose.
  • If oil paper fall off : Dry Skin
  • If oil paper stay on : Oily Skin
  • If oil paper remain on T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) : Combination Skin
  • If oil paper atay on and then fall off : Sensitive Skin 

These two tests I could find interesting, but if you can find any skin analysis machine, it is better for you to go and check :)


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